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On most tailwater rivers when the trout aren’t rising or feeding then you are left with no other alternative than to nymph fish. Unlike dry fly fishing where there are rules and definitive ways we must fly fish, nymph fishing has no rules and there is no one way to do it. Consequently rarely do to nymph fisherman fly fish the same way. There are many styles of nymph fishing to choose from and which one is the right one for you depends on what works best for you.
One of the biggest myths in fly fishing is that dry fly fishing is easy because you are able to see everything you are doing. You see where the fish are, you have a pretty good idea what the fish are feeding on, you can see your fly and you see the fish take your fly. What could be any easier than that? The myth continues with the notion that nymph fishing is hard or difficult because not only do you not see your fly once it enters the water you also have no idea where the fish are. The reality is dry fly fishing can be very difficult to master for many reasons while nymph fishing is quite simple and easy to learn. So mastering the art of nymph fishing can be easy if you get the right knowledge and expertise to take it on yourself.
Year in and year out more trout are caught on nymphs than on any other fly. Learn the fly fishing logic of how, when, where to use nymphs and the strategies and techniques fly anglers use to fly fish using nymphs. Fly fishing is two things; dry fly fishing and nymph fishing. Being a complete angler requires that anglers be competent at both. Learn all the different types of nymphing from European style, classic straight line, high stick, indicator nymphing and furled leader nymphing Emphasis is put on what flies to use, how anglers tie them on and the use of lead (spit shot) and weighted flies.
The two enemies of a fly angler are wind and drag. (Artificial movement of your fly or fly line caused by moving water). We can’t do much about the wind but we can to quite a bit about drag. Demonstrations in new casting techniques and new ways to mend you line without losing control or contact with your fly will be taught. With so many styles of nymphing to choose from whichever one or combinations of styles you choose you still must contend with drag.
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