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As much as we like to dwell on the many facets of fly fishing only two things catch fish; the fly and the fly rod. You can have all of the fly fishing stuff you can afford but only the fly rod and fly catch fish. Understanding that concept, you can come to the conclusion that if you want to be good at fly fishing then you better perfect the art of fly casting and perfect the understanding on how flies catch fish. Fly casting is based on the above principle. Many beginning fly fishing or casting classes last an hour or two in the park or in the parking lot trying to get you to move fly line. At the end of that one lesson you pay the instructor and leave thinking this is going to be harder than you thought.

Northwest School of Fly Fishing believes fly casting is the backbone to fly fishing. Something as important as fly casting just can’t be done in an hour and a half with 15 students. We believe that you must perfect the art of fly casting and accordingly we have put together a fly casting program that is 4 to 5 sessions with homework. If fly casting is one of only two things that catch fish then a dedicated program to achieve proficiency is required. We also believe that to teach casting to more than one person at a time is not the most effective way to learn how to fly cast. All fly casting instruction at Northwest School of Fly Fishing in done one on one. You get the full attention of the instructor. Your time and money is not divided up with others. When you have one on one instruction your instructor has your undivided attention and your learning curve goes straight up.

You vehicle has 4 wheels that turn and allow the vehicle to go forward. These wheels consist of a rim and tire. You must have both in good condition to move your vehicle. Fly casting is much the same. Fly casting consist of 2 things; casting and presentation. You will learn to perfect casting first then once you have mastered casting then you will move on to perfect presentation. When you have mastered both then we learn to blend them together to make the perfect cast.

Northwest School of Fly Fishing knows there are 2 types of fly fishing; surface and sub-surface. You will learn to both surface and sub-surface cast. You will go through Strategic casting, Stream Simulation, Gear Up, Reach Cast and Roll Cast. If you require more time with the instructor then the class is extended to however many sessions you may require.

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