Strike Indicators
There is some argument lately in fly fishing where some anglers are questioning the use of a strike indicator when used while nymphing. To be honest, the argument is coming mainly from anglers who are Euro Nymphing or another form of Modern Nymphing. Certainly using a strike indicator in competitive fly fishing is against the rules and you would be hard pressed to find strike indicators for sale in Europe, they are still being used by most anglers and I don’t see that ending anytime soon. The only rules in fly fishing are the rules made by State Fish and Game Agencies through fishing regulations and I know of no State that regulates strike indicators. Yes in many forms of Modern Nymphing the use of a strike indicator is not necessary however, that doesn’t mean it’s not necessary for someone who chooses not to Euro or Modern Nymph. After 54 years of fly fishing I have never used a strike indicator while nymphing and probably never will, but that’s just my preference. You will never see me on any river nymphing without having strike indicators on me. There are a few occasions where the river will dictate to me the best approach is to use a strike indicator for best results (The Owyhee River) and I don’t want to be caught off guard. So go ahead and feel good about your use of them and don’t be surprised if you see me on the river with a bright orange strike indicator hanging from my leader.